
lesbian adventures in london

Monday, February 19, 2007


love mode

spoke to b today, who's back from LA. we haven't spoken for four months, because she found it too difficult that i was with someone else. and then... from LAX she sent a text from her british phone, telling her friends she was coming back into town. and she accidentally included me. not entirely sure it was an accident. but when i called, she didn't pick up, then texted back that it was an accident.

and then, i got a beautiful email, reminding me of why we were so close. i didn't reply all weekend because s was here, and it seemed obvious that she was my priority, not b. but characteristically, b - who is used to being attended to and adored - called me tonight, i guess surprised that i hadn't replied and maybe a little scared that i wasn't going to.

and we talked, and talked, and talked.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


lesbian until graduation 2

last night at a party I saw j, who used to be one but isn't anymore. but back in the day...! as i chatted to her adult incarnation last night, I couldn't help but remember some of the scurrilous stuff she used to get up to as an undergraduate and actually, before. think notes on a scandal, except that the teacher was a girl...

Monday, February 12, 2007


friends who kiss

so it definitely wasn't me. i came straight home. after drinks with t and k.

when i left t and k last thursday night, they were friends, about to go to lounge for k's inaugaral attempt at pulling girls, and t was the chaperone, cheerleader, wing woman, whatever. but when i spoke to t the next morning, the only girl k had pulled was t.

nice. now k is mortified. t is sheepish. and i am wondering why girls who are friends so regularly fall into kissing each other.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


kissing by mistake

not me. i didn't do it.


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